Friendly Farsund
Today I met some wonderful people in a charming, little shop called «mormors butikk». Mormor saw me looking at her second hand things, and asked if I wanted a cup of coffee. When I accepted, I was sat down and given cinemon rolls a costumer had brought. Her son was there, and after a while her husband came. We talked about work and life and Redningsselskapet. They told me about a museum close by with an amfibium car that RS used for a while. (Fun fact: in 1958 they drove it by water to Lyngdal (it almost sank on the way!) and then drove it to Oslo for a gathering for RS). I want one of those!! Mormor gave me the coffe cup I drank from, just because I liked it. And three more cups and a milk mug and a suger cup. I will bring the cup on my voyage.
Doing it properly
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So, I will make a proper blog.
I bought the domain a week ago, my new friend Mona in Arenal i managing the page for me. She is the one who has set up the whole thing! And she has offered to publish my blogs from the South Pacific Ocean. We will have connection through satellite, but the connection is not good enough to send films, pictures and other media-files. I will bring an iPad, iPhone 5, a Sony Experia for pictures and a Kindle for the books. That’s it for me and technology.
Morning thoughts
A week before departure…
Gammel og ny kommunikasjon
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Sør-vestlandsturné og «soloppgangsoppdrag»
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Sunrise and updates
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Lobster lines, iPads and knives